Article: 1.5-К-Г-05
Name: The six gladiators fight with a rhinoceros
Sculptor: MOROZOVA Nadegda, VELICHKO Oleg
Size: 54мм
Material: White metal, acrylic
Description: The baiting of beasts (venatio, lat. venatio, "hunting", mn.C. venationes) - ancient Roman bloody fun, which consisted in the baiting and killing of pre-caught wild, often exotic animals in the arenas of amphitheaters and other public places, fully or partially suitable for this purpose.
Price: 0.00 USD.
Roman Scorpion
"Scorpion" - a small Roman throwing machine., for throwing arrows.
Foot Roman warrior (velit) in the skin of a Jackal
Velites (lat. velites) - a kind of light infantry in the Roman army. Often were used as skirmishers. The name comes from the Latin word velox — fast.